Our services

From grant & fund development to program design & evaluation support, our comprehensive services can help your organization thrive.

woman and man sitting in front of monitor
woman and man sitting in front of monitor
Comprehensive Grant Writing & Management

Navigating the intricate world of grants requires a blend of compelling storytelling and strategic oversight. Our team is adept at crafting RFPs & proposals that not only cater to specific grantor requirements but also highlight the transformative impact of initiatives. Beyond the application phase or selection phase, we understand the importance of stewardship in grant relationships. Hence, we offer to oversee the entire grant lifecycle—from application to reporting—guaranteeing compliance, ensuring timelines are met, and fostering trust with funders and grantees.

person in blue shirt writing on white paper
person in blue shirt writing on white paper
Meaningful Program Design Rooted in Socio-Behavioral Research

At the intersection rigorous socio-behavioral research & and equity-centered frameworks lies our unique approach to program design. Delving into communities through population health, qualitative & ethnographic methods, we unearth rich insights that go beyond surface-level needs. By embedding these findings and analogous empirical studies into our designs, we craft programs that are not only effective and evidence-informed but also hold profound meaning and relevance for the communities you serve.

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pen on paper
Impact Assessment & Program Evaluation

True progress can only be measured with accurate data. Using our expertise in impact evaluation, business & organizational metrics, we help organizations define SMART Goals and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across internal and external programs. Through rigorous data analysis, we uncover significant relationships that guide organizations towards effective decision-making and provide insights into performance that feed into continuous program improvement, team growth & sustainable funding streams.

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green plant in clear glass cup
Strategic Planning, Development & Fundraising

The foundation of impactful programs is rooted in financial sustainability. We work hand-in-hand with organizations, creating robust strategic & development plans, and implement an array of comprehensive fundraising strategies to directly raise funds for you. By understanding the nuances of various funding avenues, from individual donors to large institutions, we develop plans that not only secure the necessary resources but also align with the core vision of the organizations we serve and provide a pragmatic roadmap to achieve your vision.

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person using phone and laptop
Impact Campaigns & Communications

Elevate your organization's narrative with our dedicated behavioral change and impact communications services. In the intricate world of public health, a well-articulated message can be transformative. Our expertise lies in distilling complex information into persuasive campaigns, facilitating fundraising efforts, and strengthening your brand's footprint. By aligning impactful narratives with your mission, we ensure you stand out, attract resources, and amplify your influence in the sector.


Let us help you. Schedule a Free Appointment.

We offer a free 30 minute initial consultation where we will map out your Current State and propose solutions and services that fit your needs and can steer you towards your ideal Future State.

Please note, in order to maximize our time, we ask that you complete the calendar invitation survey questions at least 24 hours before your session.

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person using smartphone and MacBook
person using smartphone and MacBook

Our Case Studies

Don't take our word for it. See our results in action.

a young girl sitting on a slide at a playground
a young girl sitting on a slide at a playground
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grayscale photo of woman holding white printer paper
person holds cigarette stick
person holds cigarette stick

Designed a youth mental health empowerment program & secured $1M in funding to seed a youth civic engagement program in Sacramento, CA.

Secured $100,000 from a Community Foundation to tackle digital equity disparities among the Latinx community and improve data collection practices and data transparency across the State of California.

Designed a menthol-ban policy evaluation & research study to leverage cross-sector data to assess the policy impacts of menthol bans on smoking behavior across two cities with distinct policy implementation environments.

Youth Mental Health Empowerment

Digital Equity & Latinx Health Disparities

Impact of Policies on Smoking Behavior